
Flexible offer

Best online rate guaranteed. Free cancellation (T and Cs apply). The guest can cancel free of charge until 7 days before arrival by 1pm GMT.
Room Only

Offer includes:

  • Accommodation in comfortable rooms
  • Free Wi-Fi
Arrival from 14:00
Departure to 11:00
The Reem Hotel does not feature a private car park on-site but there is parking available at the QPark in Queensway, London (8 min walk from The Reem Hotel). Here is the link to book your space -
Children of any age are welcome. Children aged 3 years and above are considered adults at this property. No cots or extra beds are available at this property. You must be at least 18 years old to make a booking at the hotel.The booking itself should be made by someone 18 or over such as a parent, guardian or another adult who can take responsibility for payment or damages for someone under the age of 18. Please contact the hotel on to arrange their stay.
Pets are not accepted.
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